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Work Ethics and The Etiquettes of Dealing with Clients Online

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Work Ethics and The Etiquettes of Dealing with Clients Online

Are you struggling with the sensitive task of dealing with clients online?

Well, you’re not the only one.

Work dynamics have changed ever since the onset of the digital revolution.

Not only did businesses take their operations online, many individuals too are now offering their services on the digital web.

And with the outbreak of coronavirus, came social distancing, making work from home an absolute necessity. Thus, working online has become the new normal.

Whether you’re new to the scenario or have been at it for a while, you know there are certain challenges that come into play when dealing with clients online.

To overcome these challenges with ease, let’s understand how work ethics is defined in an online working platform.

 Work Ethics in the Online World

Work ethics, at its core, is still the same if you were working for your offline clients. However, keeping track of the following will definitely up your online game!

Talking About Payment Upfront

When you’re working with a client online, 99% of the time payment is received virtually, i.e. not via cash.

So, be upfront about your rates while billing them. Don’t be vague and keep them guessing!

Talk about your rates as per the project requirements and come to an agreement mutually. 

Trying to hike up your net profit by adding hidden charges to the gross amount is highly unethical.

Doing so would mitigate any further possibilities of a long-term relationship with said client. Something that it ultimately bad for your online gig!

Be Accountable For Your Mishap

To human is to err.

So, taking responsibility of your mistakes is the first step toward redemption.

If you deny the charges outright, or worse, lie about it, you don’t only risk losing the client but you may also be stuck with a negative review permanently.

So own up to your shortcomings and make valiant efforts to get things right.

One way of handling things well before the damage is done is to offer clients revisions while submitting your work online.

A simple phrase, “Hey David, here’s your work! Please let me know if you need any modifications. I’d be happy to help!” would sweeten any sours and your client would be more understanding in the face of a mishap.

Never Plagiarise

When you’re dealing with clients online, most of the time, chances are the services you’re offering are of a digital nature.

And digital content is very easy to plagiarise if you’re not too careful!

Plagiarism means stealing someone else’s work.

Not just that, it also means you’re billing your client for work that you didn’t even do!

Plagiarising is extremely unethical and falls under workplace malpractice and may harm your client’s business greatly.

Designs, codes, compositions, or be it any form of content, everything has to be original from your end. Especially written content that is about to be published online.

Google is highly susceptive of plagiarised textual content and penalises websites harshly by demoting their ranks on Google search results.

So, be ethical in your work field and get paid for original content that would be mutually beneficial for you and your client!

Work As a Team

Similar to a physical workplace environment, you might need to work as a team with your other online colleagues.

It is important to respect each other’s work and not to bottleneck the entire process by delaying task at hand.

For instance, if you are a writer, it is crucial that you finish your write-up within the given deadline so it may be passed on to the editor.

Getting a content ready to be published means undergoing several processes. If you fail your deadline, you’re bottlenecking the entire operation. Other teammates now have to wait for you.

So be cooperative, go with the flow, learn from each other and maintain a respectful and friendly behaviour with your teammates. Work as a team to become the A-Team.

Your client would love you for that!

Avoid Verbal Harassment At All Costs

Not everything is going to come up roses every time.

There will be misunderstandings, and there will be conflict.

Try to convey your side of things clearly and respectfully. If things escalate, it’d be best to finish the task at hand and wrap things up with the client in a civilised manner.

But under no circumstance should you resort to verbal abuses or engage in one, even if it’s coming your way.

In the virtual world, it’s easy to think there are no repercussions to words exchanged online.

In a word, it’s easy to “ghost” someone online, be it a friend or a client.

However, we are still humans, and we are still tied to our moral codes and conscience. Therefore, in the face of conflict, be the better person and take the graceful way out.

In which case, your actions will speak louder than words.

Now that we have covered the most vital points of work ethics in an online workplace let’s move on to another related field – Online Etiquettes.

Or shall we say, Netiquettes?

Etiquettes of Dealing with Clients Online

Work ethics and etiquettes, although very similar subjects, yet vastly distinctive in their own arenas. Here are the top 5 etiquettes to abide by when dealing with clients online.

Going The Extra Mile

Taking some extra steps to ensure the work delivered from your end exceeds your client’s expectations is big on the workplace etiquette rule book.

Often when dealing with clients online, keeping them up to date with progress might be tough. It’s also easy to miss out on any insrtuctions due to communication errors.

So, offer regular progress reports to your client to keep them in the loop and keep yourself on track.

Show them updates, ask for their opinions from time to time to keep them feeling involved. This is something you have go out of your way and do solely to sustain a good client-employee relationship.

Trust me, in the long run, it will set you apart from hundreds of others they might be working with online, opening doors for many more opportunities in the future ahead.

Therefore, going the extra mile and delighting your clients is the way to go!

Show Some Initiative

“Hey George! I went ahead and ran this piece through copyscape for you. 0 matches!”

See, what I did there?

In this scenario, you not only saved your client some time but also ensured them that the content is 100% plagiarism-free.

Dsicuss at length about your client’s business to get a better understanding of their market, and depending on the nature of your service, find some initiatives to help your client out.

For instance, if your client owns a website which has a blog section, do a little research on what’s trending in the niche and offer your client some topics to get the traffic going.

This kind of initiative will keep you both afloat in the business!

Understanding Time Differences

Working online means an inflow of clients from all over the world.

With that, comes excruciating time differences.

However, it’s up to you to keep track of their time zone and find the right working hours to message them or conduct any calls.

The last thing you want is to wake your client up at 3 am with a loud notification pop of an inconsequential text message!

Even small things like customizing greetings based on their local time can earn you some brownie points.

So find out what time it is at their end and greet them accordingly, “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”. After all, it’s only a Google search away!

Human Relationships

After a while of working online, deprived of physical meetups, it’s easy to feel like you’re working with bots.

The same can be said for your client.

So it’s up to us to not let ourselves fall into that kind of monotony.

We are humane creatures and social beings. Let’s not lose track of that.

Build true connections with small talk. Ask them about their day. Greet them on their birthdays! If they are sick, ask them about their health.

But always remember to stay within your professional boundaries!

Building a good client-employee work relationship will mean long-term collaboration and personal touches always make us “feel” resposnsible for the work at hand.

Together, you can find joy in the work you do!

Cultural Appreciation

 It’s not that hard to find out where your client is from.

Chances are, they will say so themselves when you both are getting introduced to each other virtually.

So small things like, “Merry Chrismas” or “Happy Independence  Day” will prove that you are culturally appreciative!

But what if I get it wrong?

That’s okay. You don’t have to have a diverse understanding of your client’s background.

Simply, initiating a small topic about their cultural heritage or asking polite questions shows that you’re seeking cultural competence.

It may even create a good conversation topic while you work on the project!

At the end of the day, we all live in the era of globalization and by that, we’re automatically a part of the diversity.

So, you might as well use it to educate yourself and build connections accordingly!

Wrapping Up

Well, now that you know the importance of maintaining good work ethics and the proper etiquettes of dealing with clients online, you’re free to further your career in the right direction.

Just remember to stay humble, stay positive and invest genuine effort in the work that you do.

And the results will speak for itself!


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